Here I am, on a chain held in Frodo’s hand. Hundreds of feet below me are the fires and lava of Mt. Doom. You might be wondering how I got in this position so I’ll start from the beginning. I was made here in this very mountain about 3100 years ago. The Dark Lord Sauron, my master, forged me as a Ring of Power and I was the key to his dominion over all middle earth. He used me as a weapon to take over the world. But the people of Middle Earth were resistant and a army of Men and Elves came up against this mountain and a great battle was fought. My master went out into the battle, bearing me on his left index finger. But the son of the king, Isildur, was a strong man and he cut me off of my master and took me to be his own. He would not destroy …show more content…
He was killed and I sunk down to the bottom of a lake. I was there for 2500 years. Almost everyone forgot about me, or thought I was just a myth. But then Two hobbits, Smeagol, and Deagol were out fishing. Deagol swam all the way down to the bottom and saw me. He grabbed me and went back up to show Smeagol what he had found. Smeagol was greatly attracted to me and strangled Deagol to death over me. He was overwhelmed by my power and slowly changed from hobbit to animal. He crawled on all fours and ate raw fish. I gave him unnaturally long life so I was with him 500 years. But then a Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins of hobbiton picked me up while on a journey with some dwarfs. Bilbo was short, just like every other hobbit. He was very well respected by the other hobbits. Except the hobbits would be appalled if they knew what he was up to now. Hobbits are very relaxed, punctual, and eat a lot. 7 meal a day to be precise. But they never go on any adventures. Back to the story, anyone who puts me on their finger become invisible so Bilbo used this power to his advantage and got away from Smeagol. He used me two or three more times while on the journey and then made it back to …show more content…
This lovely town brings us to the greater part of my story. It all starts with Bilbo’s 111th birthday party. The Grey wizard, Gandalf was coming. He had accompanied Biblo on his journey when he found me. He was tall, had a long beard, A gray pointy hat, and a wooden staff to use for magic. Anyway, Biblo announced that he was going to leave hobbiton to live with the Elvs. Gandalf convinced him to leave me with Frodo, his nephew, even though Biblo and become very fond of the ring and wished to take it with him. Frodo had brown hair and the bluest eyes imaginable. After Bilbo left, Gandalf was talking to Frodo and suddenly, He threw me into the fireplace to reveal the secret inscription on my gold. He explained to Frodo how my master, Sauron, had awakened and was searching for me. The Ringwraiths were on there way to Bag End to take me back to my master. Gandalf told Frodo how he must take me to Rivendell, the home of the Elves where I would be safe from the Ringwraiths. Frodo took his gardener and best friend Sam with him on the trip. Sam had blonde hair and was larger, but not at all fat by hobbit