Monroe Doctrine Dbq

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The Monroe Doctrine was written by Secretary of State John Quincy Adams and President James Monroe in 1823. It was written in response to Monroe’s concerns about Spain reclaiming sovereignty in the Western Hemisphere. It was a statement on foreign policy that pledged that the United States would oppose attempts by European states to extend their political control into the Western Hemisphere. Monroe presented the document to Congress in December 1823. Some say that this doctrine should be called the Jefferson Doctrine as opposed to the Monroe Doctrine because Jefferson strongly influenced Monroe. The United States had little power to actually enforce the Monroe Doctrine, so it was more an ideology than an actual policy. The doctrine affected U.S. foreign policy in three ways. It introduced non-colonization, as well as non-intervention. The Monroe Doctrine also pushed for separate spheres …show more content…

foreign policy. Under this Doctrine the United States acknowledged existing colonies in the Western Hemisphere and would therefore not interfere with them. It also stated that the Western Hemisphere would be closed to future colonization. It essentially ended the era of colonization in America. Under non-intervention, the United States would not interfere with existing European colonies and would not interfere in European affairs and vice versa. This principle served to protect the newly independent Latin America states as well as any future United States colonies against European powers. Despite the assertions, a major weakness of the Monroe Doctrine is that it had no standing in international law. It was merely a declaration sent by the American president to Congress. Because of its lack of legitimacy, none of the European nations recognized the validity of the document. The Russians later controlled Alaska and claimed to own the Oregon Territory was well. Although the principle of the doctrine was cherished, it had no