Monsanto's Impact On The International Market

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Monsanto is a multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology company, whose headquarter office is in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S. It was founded by John F. Queeny in 1901. At the beginning, Monsanto produced chemical products such as food additives. After WWII, they partnered with Bayer to produce new items such as laundry detergent and DDT, which later was banned due to its high toxicity. By the 1960’s decade, Monsanto was the pioneer of light-emitting diodes (LED’s) production. In 1980’s, company started to work on agribriotech by modifying genetically a plant cell as well as it got into pharmaceutical field by being acquired by Pfizer company (Hanzai, 2016). By the end of the 1990’s, Monsanto entered to the transgenic crops and seed …show more content…

and another country, to get into foreign markets. Under promised benefits of GMO to farmers, better foods to humans, and solutions to tackle hunger, Monsanto has increased its worldwide presence. However, Monsanto has caused economical and social issues like in India, where cotton farmers has been affected due to the lack of GM sowing requirements, so they have lost their lands and have killed themselves (Herper, 2012).
• Political: as watched on the Bitter seeds film, The U.S. appealed to its political influence with WTO to get a trade with India on the GMO field. Also, some governments allowed GMO will get into their countries as a solution to tackle hunger and provide better quality in foods. Moreover, Monsanto has negotiated with governments to exchange benefits like royalty payments or the allowance of Monsanto technology’s patent in the country. It seems that some governments don’t want to have political problems with The U.S., so they accept American …show more content…

Three things I learned are: how just one company can affect and control several issues like economic, political, cultural, and environmental thank to the American government’s support. The negative consequences of Globalization, especially to those countries which don’t have the same economic development than others. Finally, I am more aware and involved on GMO, which seems at first impression, a good solution to starvation problems. However, it seems that first GMO productions 4 decades ago have caused different problems to the environment and humans health. To reduce these negative rumors, pro-GMO groups point out that new practices are not harmful to any living being. GMO keeps being a controversy (What is Non-GMO? What are genetically modified foods?,