Moon Of The Crusted Snow Character Analysis

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What do leaders mean to you? The Anishinaabe community is barely surviving, a harsh winter threatening their lives. No power, no food, no resources, and no communication with the outside world. In Waubgeshig Rice’s novel Moon of the Crusted Snow, leadership is the only thing leading to their survival. The whole community shares a common goal. Surviving the winter. . The qualities of strong leadership are presented through the character Evan. A community dynamic is built from leadership. This essay examines the characters' leadership styles and skills through Terry, Aileen, and Evan. Each shares unlike values specific to themselves.

Terry is the ideal image of a leader, as titled chief. His leadership skills and decisions are a job, which …show more content…

In a moment of panic, even the chief cannot motivate and inspire the community.“They had come for answers and were getting very few, only directions and orders. He’s losing them, thought Evan” (Rice 57). It is easier to be disappointed with others and to place the blame on other people. Especially in a time of chaos, the community is not trusting the words of their official leader. Members of the community search for answers that Terry cannot provide, breaking trust in his leadership. Building strong relationships is critical for someone in a leadership role. Terry outbursts in front of his colleagues, “‘That’s easy for you to say. I’m supposed to be the goddamn leader here! What am I gonna do, deliver these bullshit pieces of paper to every single fuckin’ home on this rez …show more content…

Evan’s leadership style can be described as a servant leadership style, putting the needs of others before himself. Even without any official identification as a leader, Evan's complex character impacts the community. “So Evan was now doing his rounds on foot, checking in on the elderly, or those who needed help keeping their fires burning or making food. He didn't really have an official job anymore. The band administration had essentially dissolved” (Rice 151). As a result of sharing a close relationship with the chief Evan’s has significant jobs. More naturally, Evan’s leadership comes from the need to protect his family. Evan’s leadership style supports the character Rice established. Evan does not engage with the government and political side of leading. Instead, taking on the responsibility to aid the elders, after the downfall of the band. Those he helps, over time, will develop loyalty and trust with Evan. Sharing a connection with respected members of the community is beneficial for his reputation. “Despite the chaos, Evan felt more relaxed in some ways, falling into a natural rhythm of the days and the tasks that needed to be done”(Rice 72). As described as a ‘natural rhythm’, even in intense situations Evan still has a flow. Everyday he has been given numerous important tasks. During a time of cluster, as a proper leader should, he feels calm. Even someone like Evan has an ideal person they look to for