Moralius Robert Oppenheimer's Contribution To The Creation Of The Atomic Bomb

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ulius Robert Oppenheimer was the team leader in the Manhattan project, but many people contributed to the creation of the atom bomb. There is a very large list of people who help create the bomb in the project it took over 130,000 people to create and build the bomb. The main assembly was in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The Atomic bomb was tested at the trinity site near Alamogordo, New Mexico. They placed the bomb at a drop of a 100 feet and early in the morning they dropped the bomb. Creating a 40-foot-high mushrooms cloud and blowing winds up to 100 miles away and a flash that could be seen from 150 miles away. It created a crater about half a mile across. Many were outraged on the death toll in japan after the bomb. Many argued that

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