Moses Allusion

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Once, when Moses was seeking a solution to a problem, he was very surprised when he heards God ask him, ‘What is that in your hand?
It wasn’t a sceptre, a royal edict, or even the rich kingly clothes Moses had been accustomed to wear in the court of Pharoah, the king. No, it was a staff, only a common stick or rod which he used while shepherding the sheep. Perhaps he had even made it himself.
We could be forgiven for thinking that God would have even noticed it, much less use it, but He did. Moses consecrated his rod to God, and ever afterwards, he spoke of it as, ‘the rod of God’. Who would have dreamed that God would have done so much with so little, and yet He did. The plagues of Egypt appeared and disappeared as the rod was used at His command. The passage through the Red Sea opened up when the rod was used. When the Israelites were in the desert and got thirsty, it was the rod striking the rock that let the water flow, even although Moses was angry and disobedient. …show more content…

‘What is that in your hand?’
David answered, ‘A sling and a few smooth stones out of the brook.’ Consecrated to God they became mightier than the flashing sword of Goliath.
Mary, to the same question, answered, ‘Lord, only a box of sweet smelling ointment,’ but, broken at the feet of her Master, the fragrance of her gift filled the house where they were, and her gift of love and sacrifice has been remembered ever since.
‘What is that in your hand?’ God asked Dorcus. She said, ‘A needle’, and He took what she had and she stitched for Christ’s sake. The garments that Dorcus cut out and sewed, represented Christian faith in action, for the poor of