Moses By Thermuthis Research Paper

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He is the man who was sent down a river in a basket to escape being killed. He led the Israelites in their Exodus to the promise land. He received the 10 Commandments from God. His name is Moses. He was born in Egypt in 1392 B.C. to Jochebed and Amram. His older siblings were Aaron and Miriam. As a baby, his mother hid me for three months and then sent me down the Nile River in a basket where the Pharaoh’s daughter Thermuthis found me to escape the Egyptians drowning all Israelite baby boys. I was given the name Moses by Thermuthis because it means “drawn from the water.” My sister went to find the Thermuthis who had me, and said she could find an Israelite woman to help nurse and take care of me, which was my real mother. I grew …show more content…

When the Pharaoh refused, ten plagues were “cursed” on Egypt by Moses using a staff giving to him by God in order to show he was in charge. The first plague was turning all the water sources in Egypt into blood. Second was frogs that come and cover the whole land. Third was that all the dust turned into gnats and lice. Next was flies come and cover the land. Fifth was all the livestock in Egypt die whereas the Israelite’s livestock doesn’t. Sixth, all people in Egypt attracted boils. Seventh, hail killed all animals and slaves that were not protected from the storm. Then, locusts came and ate up all plant life left. The Pharaoh said if he takes away the locusts they could leave, but then he ended up changing his mind. Ninth, darkness stayed over Egypt for three whole days. Last, it was said that every first born son in each family would be killed if they didn’t leave lamb’s blood on their door. The angel of death passed over all of the homes with the lamb’s blood on the door, which were mostly the Israelites. It is believed that the Pharaoh’s son died during this action and this is why he agreed to let the Israelites go. God helped the Israelites by giving them a cloud to follow during the day and a fire at night. The Israelites ended up at the sea, and then the Pharaoh ended up sending his armies after them. God was able to save …show more content…

Sinai, God spoke to Moses. God wanted everyone to prepare for a very important treasure he would soon be giving them. In order to do so, they had to pray for three days. When this third day occurred, a trumpet blared very loudly and God delivered Moses a stone tablet which we come to know as the 10 Commandments. These commandments read “I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods before me, you shall not make yourself a graven image… you shall not bow down to them and worship them. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Honor your father and mother. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house… or anything else that belongs to your