Let My People Go To Egypt

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Moses was born on the 7th of Adar in Egypt in 1393 BC or 2368 years from creation. He was third out of three children that Jocheved and Amaram had. He had an older brother, Aaron, who was three years older than him, and had an older sister, Miriam, who was older by six years. When he was three months old, Moses was hidden in a basket and was set to float down the Nile River to escape the Pharaoh's order that all Hebrew children who was a male was sentenced to death by being drowned. The Nile River leaded the basket to the palace where the Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses and then they started to raise him. When Moses was twenty, he ran away from Egypt because he killed an Egyptian who was beating a Jew. He was then lost in the desert for forty years. …show more content…

They soon got married and had two sons named Gershom and Eliezer. When he was 80 years old, Moses was shepherding his father-in-law's sheep when God revealed himself as a burning bush on Mount Horeb. God told Moses to go to Egypt with his brother, Aaron, and ask the pharaoh one request: "Let my people go.” When the pharaoh resists Moses’ request to let his people go, Moses then tells the pharaoh that something really bad will happen. When the pharaoh still won’t let the slaves go free, God lets go the Ten Plagues on Egypt. First was all the water turning into blood. Second, all of the frogs from the water that surrounds Egypt came and “attack” Egypt. Third, gnats (lice) came and attack the people of Egypt. Next, flies swarmed and flooded the streets of Egypt. Then all the livestock (cows, sheep, pigs, etc) was killed by natural reasons like oldness. The fifth plague was everyone got bolts or red, hurtful blisters on their skin. Next, there was a huge hail storm. Then, there was a swarm of locusts that swarmed

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