
Most Controversial Arguments Against Abortion

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Abortion is a rather sensitive topic that carries various and strong personal opinions. The first question is what is an abortion? Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removing or expelling the fetus or embryo from the uterus before it is ready for birth. It has become one of the most controversial arguments in the world having to decide between pro-choice or pro-life. Religious conservatives side with the opinion that being pro-choice is a crime and a sin. Juxtaposed to the right to life opinion is the pro-choice advocate. The pro-choice argues that a women should have the right to decide what she personally does with her body. During debates, both sides often present valid arguments towards support or rejection of …show more content…

Wade, abortion became an ongoing argument. Pro-life supports hoped and pushed for federal legislation that would get rid of abortion for good. There was an amendment passed, known as the “Hyde Amendment”, which blocked federal Medicaid from funding abortion services. This amendment does have 2 exceptions, which are if the pregnancy endangers the women’s life or when the women is raped or involves incest, but Medicaid still doesn’t cover abortions even when it’s affecting the women or her doctor recommends it. A woman is forced to pay out of her own pocket when she’s deciding on what she wants to do with her body. Along with this topic, during the 2009-2010 US Congress health care debate, things got a little hectic. Pro-life supporters said that “Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act would allow federal funding for abortions, technically not following the Hyde Amendment. Former President Obama quickly fixed this problem by signing an executive order “to establish an adequate enforcement mechanism to ensure that Federal funds are not used for abortion services.” (“Background of the Issue- Abortion- ProCon.Org.) By reading some of the abortion bills, in my opinion and research, it doesn’t seem like the state government does anything to necessarily “solve” the abortion problem. In fact, it makes it seem like the government makes it harder for a women to get an abortion. For example in S.B. 87, the bill states that there needs to be “reporting requirements …show more content…

Many doctors who are going to perform an abortion do this for medical reasons and to check how far along the women is in order to see if the woman is late for the procedure. This, in my opinion, is the government making it hard, because some women will see/hear the heartbeat and change their minds. Along with this, a big chunk of the government is made up of conservative religious republicans. They believe that aborting an unborn child is considered “murder.” By making everything very difficult, it discourages the women to even consider having an abortion, because they feel as if they’re going to get shot down anyway. Also, the Hyde Amendment is another way women couldn’t have an abortion due to money issues. By not letting Medicare cover the abortion procedures, is in my opinion, very unfair. All these actions aren’t making abortions illegal, but they might as well should, considering that not even Medicate can help. It may be making the government happy, because it will

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