
Most Important Documents In US History

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“Look at that face, who would vote for that face,” said Donald Trump talking about Carly Fiorina, a fellow GOP candidate. Donald Trump is a candidate running for president. Presidential election was set up under the United States Constitution. The Constitution was a very important document. Some Historical documents are the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and the Declaration of Independence.
The U.S. Constitution is one of the if not the most important document in United States history. The Constitution was created September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Some important people that created the Constitution were Benjamin Franklin, who was the oldest delegate at eighty-one, James Madison who is called the father of the Constitution. The constitution has twenty-seven amendments. The first ten amendments are called the Bill of Rights. the Constitution is also called the “Supreme Law of the Land.” Without the Constitution we as Americans wouldn’t have the natural rights we do today.
One another important American document is the Federalist papers. The Federalist papers were written in 1788. A federalist was …show more content…

history is the Declaration of Independence.The Declaration was adopted on July 4, 1776 which is now called Independence Day in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The declaration was written by Thomas Jefferson. John Hancock was the first to sign it in very large letters so King George III could see it without his glasses. In the Declaration is the Preamble, which states that in order for a country to separate and become its own nation it needs good reasons. Next, is the Natural Rights which gives the basic rights that all people deserve to them such as life, liberty, and The pursuit of happiness. After the Natural Rights is the Grievances which states all the wrongs done by the king, and then is the Statement of Separation which tells that now the United States of America is now a free independent

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