Most Urgent Policy Challenge Essay

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Essay 1: a) What is the most urgent policy challenge facing the world today? Explain your answer. b) Tell us about a book, article, or report that you think can offer a solution to this urgent policy challenge. What are the main strengths and weaknesses of its central arguments?
Public policy can be generally seen as means of governments to guarantee their citizens’ legal needs but it does not present as a tangible method but ambiguously laws and authoritative rules which are constituted through processes of a government. The execution and management of public policy in almost countries, however, has faced with substantial obstacles. The most urgent challenge of public policy that existing is health care issue.
Despite the fact that health is the most valuable asset of human-being by which a man can exist, develop himself and made efficient contribution to the social development, public policy of healthcare has experienced numerous …show more content…

The article analized the past and current situation of healthcare pratice in America, pointing out some main challenges before suggesting some approaches. Accordingly, the successful public health policy can be measured by the practice and completed with full “head, hearts, and hands” approaches. Besides, there are strong links between public health and other agendas which have a focus on human rights, gender equity and human dignity. However, the two policy advisers have not pointed out particular schemes to put these approaches into practice. Suggestions are also closely linked with the change in political situation as well as the new financial condition in the