
Mother Tongue Amy

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Language allows citizens to communicate in an educated and understandable way through a conversation. In “Mother Tongue” Amy Tan indicates different types of languages. Her mother’s language consists of Chinese and when she speaks in public or over the phone, Amy translates her mother’s sentences in a more respectful way. When she speaks to her mother or her husband, her conversations are simple. While speaking about her book, she communicates through educated language until her mother entered the room. Her mother’s presence in the room causes her to change the language she spoke. The various types of language rely on the situation and the members of the audience. In a professional setting, language standards enforce a higher mode of communication. …show more content…

For example, a conversation between spouses consists of intimate language patterns. Amy acknowledges the different techniques and explains why her husband understands her despite her normal and broken English. “It’s because over the twenty years we’ve been together I’ve often used that same kind of English with him, and sometimes he even used it with me” (Tan, 2014, p.317). Intimate relationships like a marriage allow the spouses to understand each other during while building a stronger bond. Another example includes, when other people hear Amy’s mother speak, they struggle to understand. However, Amy points out, “But to me, my mother’s English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It’s my mother tongue” (Tan, 2014, p.317). Because Amy grew up grew up with her mother’s modified English, understanding it became second nature. Intimacy of language utilized by close family and friends makes sense to those belonging to the group, while outsiders remain disconnected To prevent confusion and language barriers, the method of delivering language depends on the situation and audience. In a professional setting, the usage of professionalism expresses respect towards a person in a higher position. On the other hand, when in a restaurant or in another informal setting, protocol calls for casual English. Couples or families utilize intimate language to grow closer in their relationship. Communication, an essential aspect

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