Child Aggression Research Paper

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Why human beings need to be aggressive? Some researchers describe how motivational processes influence a child's acquisition, transfer, and use of knowledge and skills. There are recent research within the social-cognitive framework illustrates adaptive and maladaptive motivational patterns, and a research-based model of motivational processes, which is presented that shows how the particular performance or learning goals children pursue on cognitive tasks shape their reactions to success and failure as well as influence the quality of their cognitive performance. Moreover, implications for practice and the design of interventions to change maladaptive motivational processes are particularly outline. It is recommended that motivational patterns …show more content…

For instance, not all fighting or aggression in young children is bad. In fact, there are some kinds of teacher involvement may be beneficial. Play fighting refers primarily to rough and tumble play and chasing. Even several studies have stated and shown that play and serous fighting can be clearly famous in young children. Furthermore, many authors have pointed out the value and positive aspects of aggression. This kind of aggressive behaviour is often the immediate way for a child to communicate his or her desires and needs. In addition, teachers need to try to understand what children are communicating rather than judge the way they are behaving. Play fighting is quite normal event among boys and this happen less with …show more content…

It is considered an aggressive act mentally or emotionally. For example, when an individual complaints of injustice and lack of appreciation. He or she might think that everything is viewed as an attack on them. When something does not go their way, it might see as an unfair or an injustice. Even so, they will however complaint on how much unappreciated they really are. Generally, it is all about how the world affects them. Other than that, another example of a situation regardless of passive aggressive behaviour mentally or emotionally is when people are disguising criticism with compliments. At first, passive aggressive people may seem pleasant and warm. They might as well often appear to be quite complimentary. In conclusion, it is only after they have left that you realize that the compliment was actually disguising a cheap