Definition Essay On Stress In Children

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I’m so stressed! I remember as a child hearing this phrase from adult figures all around me. From my school teachers to my parents, I might expect to hear them yell out how stressed they were at least once a day. As a child, I did not have a personal connection or understanding of the word stress. However, as I matured in age, I gradually began to gain my own personal understanding of this word. A word that seemed to evoke a plethora of emotions from individuals all around me. Stress in my opinion is a positive feeling that is needed to provide balance to an individual’s life. In order to fully grasp the understanding of my definition of stress, one would have to be familiar with the most popular definition of the term. Stress as defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary is a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in life, work, etc. Although I do agree with the literal definition of stress, I believe stress is acquired in stages. The Merriam Webster definition is the first stage of stress. These feelings of worry and tension are similar to an individual who has simply struck a match. A match burning by itself can only accomplish one thing. However, once the flame from the match is applied to a larger source it can grow to become something greater than its original state.
This leads to the second stage of stress that I refer to as the …show more content…

However, these are feelings that I believe need to be endured in order to better yourself. If an individual has never experienced their lowest point, they would not know how to grow from the experience. Therefore, an individual who applies the feelings of stress in a positive manner to the issues hindering their life may possibly allow a solution to arise. On the other hand, if an individual dwells in the feelings of stress and applies them negatively to their issue, they will never be able to use their flame to become something

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