Mount Everest Simulation Paper

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The Mount Everest Simulation is an effected method to help individuals understand the concepts of group dynamics and leadership. In order to successfully climb to the mountain summit, team members must work together while maintaining good health and time. This is done by efficiently dealing with supplies and using the information provided to ascend to the next camp level (Roberto, 2015). Although my group did not successfully reach the mountains summit, I do believe we had many positive strategies that contributed to our team’s effectiveness. We began by reviewing our player profiles. By embracing the positions that we were assigned, we became experts on our topics which expanded our knowledge as a group. Therefore, by each individual taking on their role and responsibilities, we were able to make effective decisions. There were five roles assigned. One specific group member stood …show more content…

The main factor that may have affected our group and its overall unsuccessful journey to the summit is groupthink, which is decision making unconsciously influenced by other group members (Loughead, 2015b). Having just met our group members for the very first time, it was surprising how our team interacted with everyone, communicating and sharing their opinions freely. There was no one sitting there is silence or what appeared to be just agreeing with every decision. However, I wonder if the knowledge of how important and dangerous this journey was unconsciously prevented members from expressing their true thoughts or options in order to maintain our group cohesiveness and minimalize conflict. As a group, we collectively made decisions through discussion and problem solving. Even though our decisions were something we all agreed on, we still made wrong decisions along the