Movie Analysis: Food Inc.

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The movie “Food Inc.” directed by Robert Kenner depicts the truth behind what goes on in the world of food production. I witnessed many things that made me think twice about my food purchases. I learned about how farms work, subsidizing, and the difference between animals grown under bad conditions compared to those that are grass fed. This movie is informational because it sheds light on the secrets that the food industries hold. After learning how much power these big companies have like Monsanto, Tyson, and Purdue, I thought that the consumers had no power against these large companies, but they explained that we are wrong in thinking that way. They explained that if we chose to not engage in purchases related to these companies, than we are demanding higher quality foods. In Walmart, it has been proven that with customers purchasing better quality foods caused the stores to supply their customers with what they demand. This is very important because that means that we the people have the power to change the issue with what the government chooses to subsidize. …show more content…

I remember that when the film began, there is video surveillance that shows how the animals are treated in farmers with clients like Monsanto, Tyson, and Purdue. These animals were kept in the dark, physically abused, and engineered to weigh more in order to increase incoming profit. This made the animals live a short life where most did not even make it to the slaughterhouse because they died of poor conditions. When a humane farm was shown, I saw cows that were grass fed. The farmer explained how the process that other farmers use demands a lot more shipping to be done. The corn has to be imported and the cow’s manure has to be taken away. His methods are much closer to the life that these animals were meant to live. They were meant to roam free on grass fields and feel the