
Movie Analysis: Jack Aubrey

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Jack Aubrey Jack Aubrey can be described as many things throughout this film. He may be considered stubborn, selfish, and/or a good captain. He was selected and put in charge of the HMS Surprise.4 Which he used to set sail and go discover new lands and to pursue a French Privateer.1 Throughout the film he and his crew face a lot of different types of difficulties. For example, it didn’t rain for a very long time, they ran into their enemy on different occasion and were almost destroyed, and one of their top crews’ men was shot and wounded. Throughout the movie, you see a lot of the characters changing from who they were at the beginning of the film. Jack has to face most of these issues right away or they all require him to make a quick decision …show more content…

He relies on the watchers to spot anything they may see that could possibly be their enemy. But throughout the journey, some may question if Jack is pulling his own weight or the weight might be wearing him down. When they lost one of their youngest crewmen it really hurt the captain. He felt at fault for the kids’ death and was at loss. Then Jack turned into kind of selfish captain after these events transpired. When the Captain and his crew have their first run in with their enemy, the French Privateer. They are caught by surprise. One of the captain’s spotters yelled that he saw something but no one else did. But at the last second they see big, bright orange lights erupting from the fog and the captain yells to his crew to hit the deck.3 Cannonballs come flying in destroying a lot of their equipment on the top side of their ship and also landing some crucial hits down below water.7 This first encounter, the enemy definitely won in terms of who hit the other …show more content…

Once they hit land and set foot on the ground, his naturalists or environmentalist set off in search of all the new critters and species he could find. Not even a day later, Jack wanted to depart from this island. The Naturalist argues that they are making huge scientific discoveries and increasing their knowledge about the other specimen that may exist elsewhere. He also argued that the captain promised that he had a few days to explore the entire island.5 The captain completely ignored his argument for not leaving. The Naturalist keeps pushing to stay longer, but then captain Jack Aubrey snaps. He says to the Naturalist, he will not waste time for the naturalist to pursue his

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