
Romeo And Juliet Who's To Blame

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Imagine yourself finding the love of your life and then coming to realize that your only love is your most hated enemy. Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet fell in love in just the shortest amount of time that they didn’t even know they were enemies, but they do not let the thought of being enemies get in the way of their love. Romeo and Juliet went through misery just to be together in the end which they do end up being together just not in the way they intended it to be. The two of them loved each other so much that they sacrificed their own lives just because the feud would not let them be together. The family’s feud is at fault for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because the name Montague and Capulet would have never mattered, Romeo and Juliet …show more content…

Romeo saying to Tybalt, “Either thou or I, or both, must go with him.” (3.1.131). Romeo is saying that either himself or Tybalt is going to die in the brawl they are going to have because Tybalt just killed Romeo’s close friend. He also says that they both must go because it was a fight between a Montague and a Capulet and the next time that this happened the Prince said he would banish them. Romeo does end up being right because Tybalt dies and also Romeo is banished. Romeo being banished makes Juliet take the potion to make her appear dead. Then Romeo hears about Juliet being dead, so he shows up to see her one last time and happens to be a few minutes early. Romeo seeing Juliet dead makes him want to be dead so he kills himself with a potion. Juliet wakes up to see the love of her life dead and now decides to kill herself with Romeo’s dagger. Romeo being banished and everything else all goes back to the feud and how the last name of Montague and Capulet …show more content…

Juliet and Romeo always talked about how if there never was a feud between the two houses, Montague and Capulet, they could have loved each other without any problems. “My only love, sprung from my only hate!” (1.5.140). Juliet was talking to Nurse when she said this line telling her the only one she loved just happened to be a hated foe. This line is also saying that the two of them love each other but they hate each other’s family. The families do not know each other personally all they know is that they hate one another. Romeo is Juliet’s only love and since the feud is going on Romeo is also Juliet’s only hate. Romeo and Juliet love each other but their families hate each other, and since it is like this they have to keep their love a

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