Examples Of Star Crossed Love In Romeo And Juliet

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The play Romeo and Juliet can be considered one of the greatest plays of all time, the play gives a great example of “star-crossed” lovers. Shakespeare makes sure to include their love in every angle in the play. As it states in the prologue, “A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents' strife.” The two lovers were destined for tragedy to hit, and that’s where the star-crossed lovers come from. Beginning of the play it was stated very clearly that the two families don’t get along. Once Romeo and Juliet figure out they both have interest in each other, it’s shortly doomed once they figure out their from the enemies family. Romeo states in act 1 scene 5, “ Is …show more content…

One main example was, Tybalt spotted Romeo at the party and has been wanting to brawl ever since. Once they were in the same area Tybalt draws his sword but Romeo refuses due to his love, Juliet. Mercutio steps up and takes the hit for Romeo, shortly after Romeo goes after Tybalt and stabs him. To sum it all up, because of Romeo being spotted at the party Tybalt and Mercutio got stabbed. From his point of view; Benvolio states, “There lies the man, slain by young Romeo, That slew thy kinsman, brave Mercutio. Tybalt, here slain, whom Romeo's hand did slay” This acne proves very vividly of star-crossed lovers, the Capulets get mad his cousin was around a Montague and starts a ruckus. Once it all went down, two men died and Romeo was banished all due to love of Romeo and …show more content…

Since Romeo and Juliet can’t have their happily ever after, they both decided to end their lives to have an eternal life with one another. Romeo says there is no life without his Juliet, “O my love, my wife, Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty. O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.” Once Juliet wakes up from her sleep and sees Romeo dead she doesn't see a point in life without him and takes his dagger, “ Yea, noise? Then I'll be brief. O happy dagger, [Picking up Romeo's dagger] This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die. [Stabs herself and falls on Romeo's body]” Summing it all up, their love towards each other turned into many deaths. In conclusion, The play Romeo And Juliet really portrays “star-crossed” lovers very well from the beginning to their very last breaths. Both didn’t care about their family’s opinions and what would go down, they just knew they loved each other and that’s all that mattered to them. Of course the families already had issues, but once Romeo and Juliet married many issues emasculated. Their love was destined to be doomed, but they still loved each other and nothing stopped. In my opinion, I think that is a great example of star-crossed