Mr. Pantaleon's Argument Against Statutory Rape

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According to Merriam Webster statutory rape is “the crime of having sex with someone who is younger than an age that is specified by law.” Depending on the state the age limits vary. The sex intercourse could be forced or not forced. As many know it is considered rape if sexual intercourse or contact is within a four year age difference. But statutory rape is more in depth. In addition, people may not realize that it is illegal for a seventeen year old and an eighteen year old to have sex under statutory rape laws within court rules. Even though the two people are only a year apart it is still considered rape if brought upon a judge. This is because the 17 year old is still considered an adolescent unlike the 18 year old who is to be considered …show more content…

He was suppose to have no contact with her as his first punishment from court, however the parents found out the two of them ran away together and when they were found there was three positive pregnancy tests. This is what led Mr. Pantaleon to be sentenced to 38-106 months in jail and forced to be a registered sex offender for 30 years. (Haney, Deanna) Although this punishment caused David to miss out on raising his child it was a suitable action for what he had done. The courts of North Carolina gave him a warning for his first account and then he ignored the fact and continued on with his actions. If more states used this sort of method within standardizing the consequences society would move so much smoother because some people may take the warning into consideration and avoid coming into contact with time in jail. Also, people may be frightened after finding out the law is cracking down on enforcement and they will keep their sexual yearnings away from reality. This could also mean, less people on welfare and taxes could drop because of the decrease in prisons. Less people would be on welfare because there would be a decrease in adolescent pregnancy. Taxes would also drop; the people wouldn’t need to pay as much to keep as many people in jail because people will realize the consequences to statutory