Mrs. Kershaw Portfolio: Professional Practice And Communication Class

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A Portfolio is a folder that contains the creative work of students to portray their abilities to whoever reads it. We were given this assignment to improve our writing and expand our creativity. Some students may have benefited from this assignment, but others may disagree. Mrs. Kershaw first introduced to us the portfolio in her Professional Practice and Communication class on Sunday 20th of August 2017.

At first, it was interesting, and I was expecting many things to happen. While doing the portfolio I learned a few things about my studying ways, and also about myself. But where there are pros there are cons. There are many things that I thought were unnecessary to do, and only a few I thought majority impacted my life. Let’s start with what impacted me in a good way. Firstly, a few assignments that I did helped me realize what I need to improvise while studying. Such as the learning style and approach that made me understand that there is more than a style that can be used. Also, the self-assessment exercise helped me know what are my strengths and weakness in studying and much more. It’s also made me learn about myself that I am willing to …show more content…

Who would benefit from it? Where will my hard work go? Will it just become waste afterward? We throw our portfolio in Mrs. Kershaw’s box so she marks it, but when she gives it back what do we do with it. It says that it helps us in time management, but all I see is that it ruins our time management with more extra work that will go to waste. Some assignments were just extra writing so you can get marks that sometimes aren’t even great. Like one assignment was in the middle of the midterm week. Its taking time where I could be studying for something that is out of twenty marks. There was one assignment called “Reflective commentary on inventory finding” that was just writing about what the inventory says about you. It says to expand our creativity, but the only thing that was a bit creative was the mind

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