Xacc/280 Week 9 Final Assignment

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Introduction Over the course of the entire Spring semester, Triad I proved to be a worthy opponent with the various integrated assignments completed. Through the integration, it can be more simplistic as a grade for one assignment counts in more than one class. It is quite possible the only reasoning as to why these assignments seemed so difficult is through my mind wreaking havoc, having me believe these will be assignments I would never find myself completing. Yet, once I took the time to process what I would have to do, depending on the assignment, along with the support of my triad I professors, completion seemed doable. Overall, I believe the assignments were a glimpse into what to expect in later semesters, especially with how overbearing tasks will be especially in my …show more content…

By exploring the assignments done this semester with corresponding categories, we will explore the impact of each assignment, and the impact they had on my personal life. Sense of Belonging The assignments that combined with processes helped me develop skills in which I felt like I belong at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi were the psychology issue paper and presentation, the mental illness interview and film, and the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs personal assessment. In the Fall semester, I had just escaped from bullying by my own roommates. In a sense, by signing up for psychology as a triad, I had hopes of understanding why I feel how I feel, while trying to make sense of what I could have done wrong last semester in which I had to be subjected to the harassment and torture of my own roommates. By first doing the self-assessment, I had somewhat of an understanding as to where I lie on the

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