Xacc/280 Week 4 Assignment

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These five tasks, in their development stage provided different levels of difficulty. Surprisingly, I found writing the economics and business activity the easier of the tasks to write up, part of the reason for this is because I thought about an activity that would not only, assist me in learning about those concepts but that would also keep me interested. The rest of the activities developed quickly in my mind and I think that is largely because I have a ‘humanities’ brain and these activities reminded me of the tasks I participated in at school myself. The integrated history and geography activity proved to be the most difficult, I knew I wanted to have an activity directly related to the Cross Curricular Priorities, more specifically Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples but developing an activity surrounding this was almost like adding extra pressure. As a future teacher you want to improve the way history and societal views of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders is being taught, to provide a better foundation of study for students. With this in mind creating an activity that did this and was in line with curriculum knowledge and skills was a challenging task and I realized that this …show more content…

I found it particularly difficult to differentiate a task when I don’t know the students I will be differentiating for and according to Chapter 4 of Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences “Each students learning is monitored through assessment and teacher observation to identify the student’s progress and any problems that might be limiting his or her learning.” (Gilbert, R., & Hoepper, B., 2016). As a result, I think to accommodate diverse learning needs well I will need to know the students I will be altering. However I think one of the best aspects of the humanities is that it is so diverse and is able to cater to different people and learning