Ms. Fox Accountability Essay

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In Ms. Fox's class, she teaches students many skills that are applicable to not only class but life, one of which is accountability. Accountability is not something one learns through research, but rather something one can learn from experience. Ms. Fox holds her students accountable by enforcing students’ attendance and turning in complete work on time. According to Ms. Fox’s syllabus, “Each day of class is worth 20 points and if a student chooses not to show up or is unable to, that automatically causes the loss of half of these points.” (7) Not only does a student loose points, but they are missing out on learning valuable information for the work assigned in the class. During class sessions, feedback on students’ papers is relayed and consequently, …show more content…

Not only should a student show up, but they must complete the work on time otherwise resulting in an automatic zero on an assignment. “A student’s failure to complete the work by the day they will miss results in the loss of the other ten points.”(7). Missing an assignment due date allows a student to receive a zero on not only the assignment, but also a zero on half of the daily work points. Yet some readers may challenge the view that accountability is not a soft skill Ms. Fox teaches in her class because a student has the ability to get extensions on class work. However, extensions are difficult to earn and must be requested in advance. Extensions must be requested for legitimate reasons and Ms. Fox will not carelessly hand them out. Accountability is not the only soft skill that Ms. Fox teaches in her class, as time- management skills are …show more content…

Fox teaches in her class is time- management. College students and adults juggle multiple responsibilities at once. Jobs, family, and other activities must be handled in an orderly fashion. Fox’s class contains a homework schedule to help manage a student’s work, allow them to access to their free time, and complete assignments in the allowed time frame. Some work that is expected to be turned in includes: daily notes, online quizzes, essays, and library workshops. (1-4). In order to handle all of the work, students must manage their time effectively. Included in the schedule are estimated work times for assignments and notes. This allows students to fit school work into their daily schedules. While this skill is not one that can just be looked up on the internet, Fox teaches this in her English class. . Yet some may challenge the view that time management is not a soft skill Ms. Fox teaches in her class because time management does not limit the amount of assignments or tasks given by her. Students can become overwhelmed by the abundance of work assigned and not obtain time management skills. However, one must be able to adapt to all of the responsibilities that life or a job has in store for them. Even if a student becomes overwhelmed, Fox’s class teaches them to remain organized under pressure. In order to be a productive person, one must not only master time management skills, but also obtain the ability to collaborate with