
Ms. Rebecca Smith: An Explanation Of Human Rights

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ghts are laws have that have been defined by international conventions, by treaties, and by organizations, particularly the United Nations.

Human rights are based on principles of self- respect, fairness etc. They are a means that people can defend their rights in the UK courts and those public organizations. Human Rights Act protects all of people - young and old, rich, poor or race. Human Rights Act where firstly introduced in 1998. All together there are 30 human rights. For example:

• Human rights include Right to freedom of speech
• Right to fair trial
• Right to protest
• Right to free health care (only in the UK.)
• Right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
• Right to respect for private life
• Everyone’s has the …show more content…

Rebecca Smith who is a woman who works in a local administration insurance office. She has worked there for 18 months after leaving collage with the qualifications in business administration and ICT. Ms. Rebecca Smith has a child of 3 years and is 5 months pregnant. She has recently found out that the man she sits next to at her work earns £1000 more than her yet does the exact same job.

Rebecca Smiths rights:
Human Right Act 1998 – This act ensures that all UK citizens have the right to be treated with respect, anti-discrimination, freedom of thought, religion and belief etc.

Equality Act 2010 – this act bans all unfair treatment, eliminates all unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation etc.

The Legal & Human rights that protect Rebecca Smith:

The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 is an act to render unlawful certain kinds of sex discrimination and discrimination on the ground of marriage, and establish a Commission with the function of working towards the elimination of such discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity between men and women generally; and for related purposes.

The Equal Pay Act 1970 is an Act of the United Kingdom Parliament which prohibits any less favourable treatment between men and women in terms of pay and conditions of employment.

Pregnant employees' …show more content…

Where people can often you hear that a black boy was stopped by the police because they thought he had drugs upon him, or that some shops would refuse to sell items to him/her because of skin colour.

Although some aren’t effective as others they are some that work very well. Such rights are the right to free health care in the UK or the right of free education until 19. The UK spent £150.6 billion in 2013 for health care and an estimated 83billion for education for 2016 alone. This shows the dedication and effectiveness of the protection of the citizens. This is because within other counties such as the U.S you have to pay for your medication. In some counties you have to pay for education. There are even some countries where if you are a girl you even cannot attend school to get education.

Overall I believe that the Human Rights Acts have helped to make this society a fairer, equal and much better society for everyone. The Equality Act for example has mad huge impact as awhile and individual towards peoples lives. There is still discrimination, but with the right to expression etc. it is not likely to change much. People are brought up differently(socialisation) and have different view whether they be living within a multicultural society or

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