Muckraking Persuasive Speech

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Muckraking is what us muckrakers do which is to point out the negatives of the society in which we live in and show how corrupted the government system can be. Also how selfish people can be by treating others and the environment cruelly just for their own beneficial gain. There’s different types of muckrakers such as photographers, speakers and also journalists such as myself who will investigate to tell you the truth of what’s unjust and unfair in the world we live in today. In this article I will talk to you about the innocent civilians of today’s society and about the things that have been going on: such as the unsafe products that companies are making you work with, some of our children having to work jobs that we should have to work, natural resources being wasted disgracefully and other horrible topics as well. Do you think companies really truly do care about their customers or just the benefits they get by having us the people buy the products they sell? Well the answer in this case is no for most companies that are in business sell us things that are bad for us such as the …show more content…

The reason why I say that is because I was walking through a property that belonged to a business and I saw the workers of these business dumping waste and polluting the area that not only belonged to the property but that was around it as well. Trains were destroying the area by plummeting the soil with its rods which is absolutely terrible because people benefit of soil for many things such as food and clothes which are the basic necessities one needs to live. It’s already bad enough that workers pollute the environment but now also the factories they work in as well which be releasing dirty smoke that harms the air that we breathe as well now. That’s why our natural resources that come in limited amounts are being wasted and damaged by these big companies and