Muhammad: The Standard Of Morality

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Moslems consider Muhammad to be a truly good man worthy of being Allah’s ultimate prophet. They strongly assert that he therefore should have his words and example honored and followed. But was he really “good” as they claim or was he anything but “good” as many of his detractors have insisted? In order to determine if a person is “good” some applicable standard must be determined and then the subject must be evaluated against it. There are five standards available for this purpose. Muhammad can be judged against the standards of morality or “goodness” of the seventh century Arabia in which he lived. He can be judged against the Jewish morality of the three Jewish tribes he ruled in Medina from 632 till 638 A.D. This qualifies as valid since he claimed to be the ultimate successor of the Jewish line of prophets beginning with Adam, Abraham, Moses, and David. He can be judged against the Christian standard of morality since he acknowledged Jesus as a prophet. Muhammad had significant contact with Christian teachings since his first wife was probably a Christian. She was the cousin of the pastor of the largest Christian congregation in Mecca who, by the way, preformed their wedding. Muhammad’s adopted son Zaid was a Christian, and might have received some instruction that he was able to bring to the relationship. In addition, as a young man Muhammad had an important encounter with a Christian monk while traveling with his uncle’s caravan, that apparently left a lasting

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