In this paper I will address my multi person system. My system will consist of my family. This paper will also address my subsystem system, which will be my relationship with my brother. Also addressed will be the Ecomap. The Ecomap is a flow diagram that maps family systems. It resembles the solar system. Ecomaps highlight the direction and description of relationships. Prominent rules that govern my system will be included. The degree of openess within my system will be discussed. Lastly the balance of my system upset will be addressed as well.
My sub-system which is the relationship between me and brother. The sub-system is very positive and strong. It has been bonded for 18 years. This sub-system is extremely
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One rule is no sexual interactions before marriage. This rule is very important within my system, being that my system follows Christianity closely. This rule ties into another rule that governs my system as well. No birth control, abortions, or giving children up for adoption. Respect is another rule that is a part of my system. Within my system everyone is taught to respect each other. Respect in my system includes respecting each other’s decisions, sexuality, values, religion, and their lifestyle
No sexual interactions is a rule that is taught to us. This rule is meant to be understood and followed. Around the age of ten or eleven, someone within the system teaches us this. No birth control, abortions, or giving children up for adoption is basically learned. This is a rule that dates back to older generations, because they were married into a Catholic religion. Respect is another big rule that governs my system. It is expected that we learn basic respect. We are also taught
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It addressed how my sub system is a positive relationship. Rules that govern my system was also mentioned in this paper. No sexual interactions before marriage, no birth control, abortions, or giving children up for adoption, were briefly explained. Openness was mentioned. An Ecomap was provided with the relationships within my system. My Ecomap consisted of my parents along with my siblings, also provided within the eco map was the outside relationships we all have socially.
I gained from this assignment especially explaining my sub system. I never really sat down and thought about how my relationship with my brother was different from every other relationship within my system. Creating an ecomap was useful as well because I had the chance to diagram the important relationships within my system. This whole assignment was useful because I had to think about things I don’t think about on a regular basis, such has the openness of my system, rules that govern my system, and the change that affected my system. It is always just thought about