Multicultural Ethical Standards

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Legal and ethically a counselor can not discriminate against people because of their cultural background. Having an understanding of the values and beliefs of the culture a counselor is working with will help prevent issues from occurring such as prejudice and bias. A counselor needs to have a strong understanding of cultural competence but also an understanding of their personal beliefs and values and not impose their beleifs and values onto the client with will help prevent conflicts. According to the American School Counselor Association Ethical Standards for School Counselors a professional school counselor must respect all student’s values, beliefs, and cultural background, and can not impose their personal values onto the students. A …show more content…

The American School Counseing Association Ethical Standards for School Counsleors section E.2.a-g are extremely important when it comes to multicultural counseling, advocating for all students, social justice, and leadership. A school counselor needs to expand awareness, skills, and knowledge in multicultural and social justice advocacy, as well as not imposing personal values on students. They need to advocate for all students and equitable school and counseling policies and practices, programs, and materials, continue to acquire skills and knowledge to work with a diverse student body. Provide culturally responsive language, be inclusive, provide workshops to families, two way communications to get families involved in their students eduction, be a leader in creating equity based programs, and “develop competencies in how prejudice, power and various forms of oppression, such as ableism, ageism, classism, familyism, genderism, hertosexism, immigrationism, ligusicism, racism, religionism, and sexism, affect slef, students, and other stakeholder” (2010, p.