Rationale and Problem Justification
Poorly managed, an organization can experience high employee turnover rates, and encounter increased conflict when people from various generations are working together (Jeter, 2008). The United States of America K-12 public school workforce is comprised of the four generational cohorts: Traditionalist, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials (Lovely and Buffum, 2007). Organizations and organizational leadership could reap performance benefits from developing a better understanding of the phenomena of managing in multigenerational work environments (Paris, 2008). Existing leadership styles will change as organizational leadership steadily transitions from a Silent or Traditionalist workforce to one dominated
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The conecptual foundations of this sutdy is based on the the genrational chort thoery and the situational leadership style.Generational Cohort theory is defined as a population of people born around the same time, and experienced a major historical event during key developmental times in their lives, normally during adolescent years (Manneheim,1923) . Manneheim’s theory of generations laid a foundation for the influences different generations have on the progressive change in society. Situational leadership is a leadership style that refers to when the leader or manager of an organization must adjust his/her leadership style to fit the development level of the followers he/she is trying to influence (Blanchard &Hersey, …show more content…
Tweets will tweeted out two weeks prior to the chat, to solitcate K-12 leaders to participant in the chat. . These Tweets will provide participants information as to the time of the twitter chat as well as the # (used to identify messages on a specific topic). On the evening of the twitter chat, members will be asked the following questions Q1: What is your current position in K-12 education? Q2: How long have you been a K-12 educational leader? Q3: What challenges have you experiencds with leading multi generational cohorts? Q4: How has your leadership style changed to address the needs of a multi generational workforce? Q5: What have you done as a leader to be more accepting of multi generational workforce? Q6: What do you believe is the most important aspect of managing a multi generational workforce?
Data Analysis
Content analysis is a systematic, replicable technique for compressing many words of text into fewer content categories based on explicit rules of coding (Berelson, 1952; GAO, 1996; Krippendorff, 1980; Weber, 1990). Upon the completion of the twitter chat, frist each participant’s responses will be recorded into a separate document to be used as transrcibes. Next he treanscribes will be read throuhg serveral time whie coding key words and making notes in the margin. Following serveral reads, and the coding is complete, the data will be anylzaed to determine key