Challenges Of Global Governance Essay

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The end of the 1980’s and the 1990’s has been characterized by significant changes in International Relations (IR) and in the global political economy. Additionally, the increased interdependence between states and the growing influence of non- state actors. The concept of global governance has also evolved as a tool (Massicotte 1999) to help us understand the interactions and events as they unfold in world politics (Dingwerth and Pattberg 2006). Concepts play an important role in understanding the issues that occur in the world; they help us determine the relevance and significance of information in order to analyze specific situations or to create new ideas. Multilateral organizations, practitioners of multilateralism, have also been rapidly increasing; a concern that this …show more content…

Firstly there are knowledge gaps, normative gaps, institutional gaps and compliance gaps particularly relating to reactions to noncompliance. The last gap is perhaps the most significant for global governance, where incentives for compliance can be weak and reactions to noncompliance involve measures that are either ineffective as sanctions can sometimes be or costly and risky especially military responses (Weiss and Thakur 2010). Today, Global Governance has another challenge. The rise of the global South and a shift in global power towards emerging economies and this is evidenced by the rise of China. To be sure, China and other emerging economies have produced more profound and stronger economic relations with their neighbors and across the developing world and this is a departure from the historic reality in the international system. They have quickly extended their global markets and production. As they depend more on global market access, they will increasingly require global rules to protect that access (Woods, et al.