
Music Analysis: Alla Cosa And The Piano

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The first piece was called if I understood correctly was Alla Cosa. The piano started the piece by playing the melody, with the French horn accompanying creating a homophonic texture. As the piece progressed the horn’s timbre was much more recognizable than the pianos. The texture turned from homophonic to monophonic as the horn was the only instrument playing. Then the horn faded out as the piano started to play. This created the rhythm of the piece to rise and fall, causing a contrast in the piece and the harmony.
The second piece that was played was a concerto. The melody was created with the piano starting the piece. Then the horn started however the horn and piano were playing the same melody creating a monophonic texture. The tempo of the piece is upbeat as the piano and horn go back and forth with the lead. Then the piano …show more content…

This consisted of two trumpets, a trombone, a tuba, and a French horn. Then the tuba starts to play the main melody creating a homophonic texture. As the piece progresses the trumpet starts to accompany the tuba creating a homophonic texture. Then the trombone accompanies the tuba and the trumpet creating a polyphonic texture, as the tuba is still playing the melody. Then all the instruments slow and the horn starts to play the melody solo creating a monophonic texture. Gradually the other instruments join in creating a polyphonic texture. Then as the piece slows just the horn plays with a monophonic texture. Then the tuba, trombone, and trumpets join in to create a polyphonic texture. Then the tempo slows again and the tuba plays alone creating a monophonic texture. Then the trombone starts to play creating a homophonic texture. Ending the piece, all the brass instruments play in a quick tempo that gradually softens. The tuba’s timbre makes it easy to distinguish from the other brass instruments. The rhythm of the piece is very solemn and

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