Music Analysis Worksheet

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Name: Saidimua Nale

Music Analysis Worksheet

“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”—Berthold Auerbach
“Ain’t Got No, I Got Life”
Lyricists James Rado and Gerome Ragni
The single was released in 1968. This version was performed in the musical production Hair.
Vocals and Piano by Nina Simone and music by Galt MacDermot
Percussion (Piano, Drums), Strings (Guitar, Bass), Brass (horn)
Historical/Contextual Details (events/trends/philosophies at time of creation, intended purpose, genre, tradition, composer's personal life, inspirations, definitions, etc.):

This single belongs to the Album ‘Nuff Said, which was recorded just three days after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The album was a tribute …show more content…

The piano hook, then the cymbals from the drum set.

How does the work make you feel?

The work inspired ambivalence in me. There was a heavy, melancholy feeling at the beginning, but as the song progressed, I felt more uplifted.  Closer Listen
Texture: What is the overall texture of the music? (Loud, soft, smooth, grating, pleasing, clunky, etc.?) Be as descriptive as you can:

The overall texture is very smooth from the combination of the piano and guitar. The texture feels thick and heavy due to the music, which I found very pleasing. Also, Nina’s voice was quite loud and strong.

Form: Does the music follow a traditional form or pattern, or break from one? Which elements are repeated in the piece? Is there an emphasis on certain feelings, moods, or themes? In terms of the lyrics, the song contains themes of despair initially as Nina points out all the things she lacks. The music emphasizes the sad themes with the low sounding timbre from the piano and the slow

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