
Music Should Be Monitored By Parents

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Many believe that music should be monitored by parents because it can have a negative influence on their children’s attitudes and behaviors. The Council on Communications and Media make their claim as following: … [there is] an association between negative emotional response to music and risk-taking behaviors and even… what triggers risky behavior in some adolescents is the negative emotional response rather than the type of music. (“Impact of Music, Music Lyrics”)
Some people worry that letting teens listen to the music they want won’t inspire them to be more creative or to do better in school. In fact they believe there are certain genres of music that will make their children rebel more in school and it would make them more likely to act out. Due to young adolescents being like …show more content…

Although it is true that younger children do absorb what they listen to and what is around them, one cannot take away their choice to listen to what they connect to. Teenage years are the years of exploration and self seeking which is why “ … adolescents use music in their process of identity formation…” (Council on Communications and Media). Some people view listening to music as just that: listening to music. They aren’t affected by it and they only see it as something that plays in the background of their daily lives. For others, music is a major part of their lives. Music represents them as a person. They listen to music that helps them find who they are. Taking that choice away can cause teens and even some adults to be lost, forever missing a part of who they are. People not only connect with songs that represent them as a person but they connect with songs that “ … mirrors the tone of their current life circumstances- the songs act as a sort of tuning fork for our own situations, and they resonate with us” (Nield). People are afraid that music with

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