Musical Learning: A Case Study

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The aim of this portfolio is to trace several instigators that have an impact and determine young learners first motivation to begin active forms of engagement in musical learning, such as instrumental lessons. Not only a description of them but also the identification of these factors as promotive or demotive, having an adaptive or maladaptive impact to musical development. Guided by the longitudinal study carried out by McPherson and Davidson (2012) who explored the biographical determinants of different musical journeys and of musical excellence, I embark my self in a process of literature review to look for the different catalysts shaping children musical tendencies and comparing one case study from their research, and one student …show more content…

Higher levels of interest have been shown to promote attention, persistence and learning (Hidi & Renninger, 2006). The model outlines two basic types of interest—situational and individual interest— each of which involve two sub-phases—triggered interest and maintained interest. Situational interest consists of a short-term “triggered” interest that is externally supported and can be “maintained” through the appropriate “others” support. On the other hand, individual interest is a more enduring predisposition based upon an emotional, psychological, and intellectual engagement with the activity (McPherson et al., 2012) first an “emerging” interest and then developing, with the right support, to a “well-developed” individual interest. This model also points out the significance and the role that “others” play in triggering and maintaining situation and individual interest (McPherson et al., …show more content…

Similarly, as in the study, I’m looking at when the children first came into contact with music, however, McPherson et al., (2012) carried out their first interviews with children who had just started their first primary school instrumental program, and, in my case study, the student is a 5-year-old girl who has just started piano lessons with me as her teacher. I though about her as the appropriate case study for this portfolio since I am looking at the catalysts that shape the initial motives to engage in music learning, what better than someone who has just started, even if it is not a formal school program. Moreover, the approachability and the ease to be able to talk to her and her parents makes easier for me to contact them for the