Must-Have Qualities Of A Sharepoint Consultant

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Blog Keywords - SharePoint consultant in Southeast Michigan Must-Have Qualities of a SharePoint Consultant The benefits of SharePoint consulting are many. As a collaborative and document management platform, it improves the overall functionality of an organization while also allowing it to increase its productivity to a great extent. Now, unlike the commonly held misconception that SharePoint is a suitable tool for large-sized businesses only and investing on it is just an obligation for small businesses, the latter are found investing more on SharePoint. So, if you have not yet considered seeking the SharePoint solutions for your business, it is time to think and decide carefully. Once you have decided, the next most important thing is finding …show more content…

Yes, strange as it may sound, a consultant should keep asking you why your organization needs SharePoint in the very first place. The more detailed the information they receive, the easier it will be for them to offer with the right kind of solution. So, instead of getting irritated or assuming that the consultant is not knowledgeable enough help him in his task to ultimately make the most of the SharePoint solutions. Using the Three Magic Terms An expert SharePoint consultant will always use three basic terms in his conversation and will keep referring to these terms. These are Sites, Lists and Webparts. A consultant who understands these three concepts well and sticks to these while explaining what SharePoint is all about and how it functions, is definitely worth your investment. A Good Knowledge of 3rd Party Tools A number of third party tools and applications have been developed to solve problems related to SharePoint. Knowing how and when to use these critical tools is essential and the consultant you choose must have this knowledge. Alongside, problem solving skills and the ability to plan and investigate a situation in details are of utmost