
My Counseling Goals

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a. Although I have never personally sought out counseling before, knowing that there is a counseling service on campus could be beneficial to me in the future. As Bobbi said, many people end up suffering with some form of depression or anxiety during their college career. Knowing that you’re not alone and that there’s somebody out there that you can talk to is comforting.

b. Getting to know a person’s personality and adapting to the way they think and act is something that I should plan on doing. As Sheri said, knowing how somebody is going to react in a certain situation can be very useful knowledge. This being said, I believe that I should get to know my professor’s more personally so that I’ll get more of a feel for their class and them as well.

c. I …show more content…

Attend the job fair and possibly land a job. I would like to have a job while in college because it would be financially beneficial. Going into the job fair I need to present myself as professional and channel the traits of a good employee.

b. Do well on my chemistry and calculus tests on Friday. This will require me to take notes and study during the week. If I don’t do well on these tests, I will have to consider speaking to the teachers or searching for a tutor.

Goals for this semester:
a. Improve my studying habits. In high school, I never really had to study for everything. A brief glance over my notes was all I needed to succeed. I know that college will probably be an entirely different situation. I need to learn to be more studious and committed to my learning. This requires taking more notes, taking time at night to look over what we’re doing in class, etc. If I don’t, I know that finals will be a real eye opener.

Goals for this year:
a. I would like to have above a 3.0 GPA by the end of this year. As I mentioned in my last goal, I know that this will mean improving my studying habits. This will also mean seeking help from tutors and professors and utilizing help wherever I can find

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