My Essay About Thanksgiving Traditions

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Everyone looks forward to Thanksgiving. For some families, this is the only they see each other. Its when everyone comes together to celebrate the pilgrims first feast. This will often be celebrated by parades, football games, and food. However, families add their own traditions to the holiday that get passed through the generations. Although it may seem that everyone celebrates Thanksgiving the same way, there are many similarities and differences.
In order to lessen the stress on my mother, everyone brings food with them that they prepared. This is a common tradition for most families. Of course my family enjoys the Thanksgiving necessities. For example, turkey, mashed potatoes, and pie. When people think of thanksgiving that is usually what they picture in their minds. …show more content…

Turducken is a meal that is common for Thanksgiving for some families that is not a part of my thanksgiving meal. I couldn't imagine eating a turkey, duck, and ham together in one day. My family includes dumplings in our Thanksgiving meals. It’s something that my mother insists on and will most likely continue through the generations.
Similar to other people, my family alternates were and who we celebrate thanksgiving with. Sometimes we will go to my aunts and other times my mother will hold thanksgiving. We separate into groups when we eat our food. Some people go to couches and watch tv while others go to the dining table to talk. Most of the time it splits between the adults and the children.
Unlike other people who travel far to be with their whole family, my thanksgiving is immediate family. In addition, my family only attends one thanksgiving in a day. It's not rare for some people to visit many homes in one day for Thanksgiving. The holiday should be a time to relax and give