My Internship At Erie County Office Of Children And Youth

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Summary My internship at Erie County Office of Children and Youth is a wonderful experience. When I walk into the agency, it does not feel like an internship. OCY is more like a job, rather than a field placement. This child welfare agency, is training me to be a competent caseworker. The tasks asked of me to complete are the usual, and not overwhelming. This week at Erie County OCY I went out by myself to speak with my clients. Each home visit I complete, enhances my ability to become a proficient caseworker. When I speak with my clients, it has become easier to engage with them. I even feel comfortable going out on other people’s cases. A caseworker named Monica McDonald, ask me if I could meet with one of her clients. The client was a …show more content…

This case is different from what I am used to so far. The case is a Child Protective Services (CPS), and deals with children and youth being maltreated in the form of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. My supervisor has been observing my performance, and believes I am ready to take up this huge assignment. I see this CPS case as a learning opportunity, and a milestone in my field placement at OCY.
Theme of the Week I have incorporated Integrity in my placement thus far by, always being honest with my coworkers and clients. When my clients ask me a question, and if I know it I will answer it to the best of my ability. If I do not know the answer I would tell my client, “I will discuss their concerns with my supervisor.” Other ways I utilize integrity at my agency, is when I am tracking my field hours. I am honest with what I put down on my time sheets.
I used integrity when I conversed with my supervisor when I am finding difficulty with my work behind on work. When my field liaison came to my internship I was asked, is there anything I need to work on. I was being truthful by stating, how I need to work on my grammar. I feel a social worker should always have integrity, when implementing any forms of practice. Growing up I was taught you should always be truthful, and your word is your