My Literacy Background Essay

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My literacy background started out rough. I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was in first grade, but before that my teachers knew I had trouble writing and identifying my letters. I was taken out of recess and free time in kindergarden to work on flash cards in the hall with my teacher, which made me feel I was being punished. I was continued to be pulled out of classes and special activities that other students were doing to work one on one with a teacher or an aid on reading and writing skills. This I feel is the reason I hated literacy until high school. In high school I was assigned to a Sarah Schuette, who was my case manager in the rescue room in high school. She is the reason I started loving to read and write. With her support and encouragement I was able to do any class in high school that I wanted, she made me take a writing class and a individualized reading class, which grew my love for reading and writing.

I love to read books that I will learn from, I read a lot of books about horses as they are a big part of my life. I …show more content…

My parents are not people who read the paper or sit down with a good book, there was just never time living on a farm. As a child I never read books, as a high school student I would sit in the hay and read. Now I don 't read much for enjoyment, but I do write in a journal a lot.

I think my personal literacy history affected my life goals somewhat in a positive light. If it was not for the bad educational experience I had relating to literacy I may have never found the fight I did to prove others wrong, which is what drives my love for reading now. Also If it was not for my high school case manager, I would not have gone to college, she was the first person to tell me I could go to school. She helped me find a school and apply, as well as get my educational accommodations. To this day I still go visit her, I would not be where I am in life if it was not for