My Literacy Game Essay

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Literacy Game While I have always had literacy in my life, it is not something I have always been fond of. From a very young age I was always told, and shown how important literacy was. Even knowing as a child, the role literacy takes in just our daily lives, I still didn’t care too much for it. Of course, I cared about the talking parts, oh I loved to talk, but everything else was dull to me. None of this is to say how I feel about it now. My feelings towards literacy made a complete 180. As I previously stated, as a child I did not enjoy literacy. This right there caused some major issues at such a young age. First grade to be exact is where I had my biggest problem. Around …show more content…

Unfortunately, this didn’t magically change my view on literacy or how to go about learning. This 180 was going to start out slow, but it was going to happen. I did what I needed to do in first grade round 2, and did fine in second and third always doing just the bare minimum. In fourth grade though, that’s when things started to change a little more. We became more active in writing this year, something I was starting to get excited in. While I wasn’t perfect I was doing better than I had in the past, and had a great teacher who really showed she cared. Towards the end of the fourth grade we were asked to write a poem about ourselves. The assignment really sparked my interest, it seems that poetry was the thing I liked learning about most. I remember I worked hard on mine, and wrote exactly what came to mind. When it came time to turn it in I did so, I remember feeling hopeful that mine would be good and that she’d like it. The next day after she had time to look over them and class was dismissing for play time, my teacher stopped me so she could speak to me. She told me how amazing my poem was and that it was going to be displayed in the special hallway at school for all grades to look at with a few others, it was a huge honor at my school. I remember feeling so excited just that she even liked it as much as she did. To this day I still have that poem. This teacher gave me the encouragement that I really needed to just throw myself in to really