Why Is Literacy Important To Me

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Literacy development for me has been a very tough and hard thing to grasp. There are many people that have helped my literacy development. My mom was a very big help, but I have to say that my teachers at North Royalton City Schools went above and beyond to help me. Although, the most influential teacher was Mr. Paul Salyards who taught English at North Royalton High School. Literacy is the most important thing you can achieve in your life, but for some of us it will continue to be a lifelong struggle. When I was about 3 years old my parents found out I had some learning problems which they said was because I could not hear when I was a baby. My parents wanted me to be successful and they always had a lot of books around for me to read and they always read to me when I was little, but I still had a very hard time reading. I did like looking at all the pictures and would look at books all the time, but I just couldn’t figure out the words. My mom bought cards that had pictures and …show more content…

Every time someone asked her the question who are you? She always said a writer, but even though she said she was a writer she was always the last one done with writing assignments which made her question if she really was a writer. I understand the part of always being last with turning in papers, because I always am, but I would never tell anyone I am a writer. Writing is the one thing that is so hard for me to do. I always need help to get my thoughts and words together. I do understand that how Vallowe identifies that she is a writer, because she has been doing it for so long. My identity has always been that I am a football player. Football has been such a big part of my life since before I even started kindergarten. I cannot remember a time that I was not playing football. I will always identify with being a football