Why Literacy Is Important

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Amy MacRae once said "Literacy opens doors – It allows us to express our thoughts and to make sense of the world around us. Teaching children to be literate gives them a gift they’ll have for the rest of their lives!”. I agree with her because I believe that once people have a good understanding of reading people will never be alone. By never being alone I mean that people will always have the knowledge that people once read before. Literacy goes beyond just reading and writing; literacy is freedom. For example, it gives me the ability to explore, learn, and think critically about things I hear and see. Throughout the years I've been in school learning and improving my literacy skills have help me get good grades, help me fill out applications …show more content…

Literacy empowers individuals and gives them access to a greater range of choices. Those educated adults are better able to support their children and ensure their survival. Basic literacy paves the way for further education and the learning of new skills for both adults and children. Literacy builds communities and ensure that individuals are more productive and that they in turn can continue to support both their families and the community at large.
Personaly has played a key role in my past. For instance, when i applied for my first job at burger king i need certain skills to get the job. Those skills were reading and writing and kowing how to understand instructions clear.Communcation was key because i had to be able to interact with customers at burger King. Taking down peoples orders and knowing what to write to the cook takes skill, and without literacy I wouldnt have got that far. While working at bruger king reading and writting became apart of everything I do. From taking orders to reading the labels on the food, to knowing what type of soap to mop the floors with and understanding and reaading the check i got at the end of the week. Through this experience the importance of literacy became clear to