My Love For Wrestling Essay

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Wrestling or sport entertainment, as it call now a days can be as fake as you want to know. The truth about this sport is that all the performance push their body to levels of punishment that no other athletes are able to support. A wrestler on the high of their career can be performing over 5 nights a week. During those matches their bodies are in intense pain and are not able to recover since they have to be ready for next round the following day. Twenty years ago, Randy 'The Ram' Robinson was a successful wrestler; now he is decadent, living alone in a trailer, working part time in a supermarket and wrestling in the weekends. After a wrestling match, Randy has a heart attack in the dressing room and has heart bypass surgery; his doctor forbids him to use steroids or wrestle again. Randy decides to retire and proposes that the stripper and lap dancer Pam "Cassidy" move in with him. However, she does not accept and suggests that he approach his daughter Stephanie to resolve their differences. Randy gets a full-time job in the supermarket, but he does not deal well with the world outside the arena and decides to return to the sport where he is recognized by his fans. …show more content…

You need to put into perspective what wrestlers have to stand for, the entertainment and the feeling of the support of their fans is the ultimate goal. They can be as quick as great as you can imagine when they are in the ring, but what happened when during their normal activities outside the ring . This movie exposed a has been wrestler as it happens when this athlete are not able to leave this sport world and still putting themselves out there even when the conditions to perform are not the best one and they may endure physical and emotional trauma that can damage them