My Nursing Philosophy Paper

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Patients don’t ask to become sick. It’s my job as a nurse to provide the best care I can while patients are away from their family and friends. Patients don’t always have the medical knowledge or experience coming to the hospital and it’s my job as a nurse to be a patient advocate. My philosophy of nursing comes from focusing on patient-centered care, where establishing a caring and compassionate patient relationship is essential. This holistic view of the patient allows the nurse to connect with patients on a relational level. This kind of practice separates physician care from nursing care, because nurses make a personal connection with their patients. “Holism involves studying and understanding the interrelationships of the bio-psycho-social-spiritual dimensions of the person, recognizing that the whole is greater than the …show more content…

The nurse to patient relationship should be built around trust, and showing their families that you are doing everything necessary to assist. Every patient should be viewed as unique due to everyone having his or her own particular beliefs, values, and culture. By looking at the patient as just an object, the care provided will not be holistic or patient-centered. Nursing would then become impersonal and just a regular job. My patient’s care should be centered on incorporating the patient’s family. Once these patients leave the hospital it is up to the family and themselves to make recovery easy. “Professional nursing includes attention to the full range of human experiences and responses to health and illness without restriction to a problem-focused orientation, integration of objective data with an understanding of the subjective experience of the patient, application of scientific knowledge to the process of diagnosis and treatment, and provision of a caring relationship that facilitates health and healing.” (Masters, K.

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