My Personal Statement

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Why are you interested in attending the University of Virginia School of Medicine? What factors will be most important to you in choosing a medical school? Please answer the question in 350 words or less.
As an out of state student, I believe finding a second home is necessary. I have always admired schools that were built on a strong foundation of both education and character. It is from these characteristics that the faculty and students can benefit the most during their time at the college. With the Next Generation curriculum at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, students can take advantage of the wide range of resources and clinical facilities, and most important, to learn with one another. The Learning Studio of the Claude …show more content…

Everything I do, my family is the priority. When I chose medicine to focus as my career, I recognize that the family value I upheld all this time is extremely important for the field. I believe that in order to dedicate myself in helping others, I must learn, at an early age, to care for my own family. Since a beloved person is someone I truly concern about, I must have a way to care for that person before I implement the method to someone else. Although it is an ascribed duty, the task has taught me to take responsibilities and to be truly passionate in the activities I pursue. To perceive a person in need as if he is a family member is what I thrive to achieve, because in the most vulnerable state, such as an illness, compassion from family is the most important need. This personal characteristic has guide me through many obstacles because it allows me to reflect on my values and morals. Achievements might lead to successes, but they would not be meaningful if my family values are not upheld. In the transition to a physician, the moral duty of focusing on the well-being of patients is necessary to consider and it should be a factor when making decision. This aspect is a quality I want to uphold throughout my …show more content…

Few years ago, the night before my family headed to Canada for the Labor Day weekend, I had an outburst. At the time, I was involved in research lab, internship, and student council. Rather than declining the duty, I was stubborn and accepted all responsibilities that were offered. Well, the jobs got done but I was exhausted. When my dad asked me for a small favor, instead of simply letting him know that I was occupied with school works, I blurted that I was tired of helping people. When my dad asked me to help him with a small task, out of nowhere, I blurted that I was tired of helping people. Looking back at the situation, I had the opportunity to talk with my parents about my heavy responsibilities, but the impulsive character got the best of me instead. I regret the things that were said, not only did it hurt my parents, it also went against the notion I thrive to succeed. I regret the things that were said, not only did it hurt my parents, it also went against the notion I thrive to succeed. It cannot be denied that obstacles will arise at some point, but they should not be the reasons that prevent me from helping others. I have carelessly managed this situation; however, it was from this event that I recognized the need evaluate my performance and reflect on my values. Being involved in many activities can have its advantage, but