
My Philosophy Of Parenting

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Parenting practices can look different across cultures, religions, nations and even within countries. After taking parenting, I am more aware of parenting practices that I never had considered before. This class has allowed me to find reliable sources of information for research based parenting practices which have shaped my current parenting philosophy. I am better equipped to have children now because I have knowledge about parenting styles that make a positive impact on children, parenting practices around the world, theoretical perspectives that are researched and how parenting should change as children age. I can see myself implementing the knowledge I have gained in this class to my life and sharing the insight I have gained to others …show more content…

I was raised in a strict home but I never had a doubt that my mother loved me. I was not allowed to roam outside too late, or stay over friends’ houses. At the same time, she tucked me into bed every night until high school and told me she loved me every single day. My mother only resorted to physical punishment in extreme cases which were rare. For the most part, I was raised in an authoritative home. Once I have children, I will have the same parenting style. I will set appropriate rules and explain my reasoning behind them. I will express my love to my children continually. I will encourage my children to be independent in an age appropriate way and give them methods for solving their own problems. I will be involved in their activities and provide support. I will do these because research has shown the benefits of authoritative parenting style. Baumrind found that this parenting style leads to adolescents that are socially responsible, the most highly competent and maintained good relationships with their parents (Holden, 2015, p. 283). Other studies have found that adolescents with authoritative parents had fewer behavioral problems, and were more adjusted in psychosocial development and academic achievement (Holden, 2015, p. 283). Children in homes that utilize authoritative parenting style tend to succeed the most compared to other parenting styles which is why I want to use it with my children in the future. My parenting style will be authoritative as it is what I was raised with and is proven to be the best for

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