
6 Compelling Reasons To Take Parenting Classes

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Across the globe there are parentless children or abused children all from the fact that some parents are not qualified to have children. In a hypothetical reality, what if we could prevent unfit adults from having children, causing a domino effect that causes that child a horrible life. What if we could set up a system that fines unfit parents. Taking social services more seriously and taking a child’s life more sincerely. We could have a limited number of orphanages and less homes with abused children. Preventing adults that don’t have their own life together first then trying to control another life of a child usually has a horrible ending. Children are brought into the world with un-financially stable, abusive, and drug addict parents. …show more content…

6 Compelling Reasons to Take Parenting Classes, “states many reason for taking parenting classes to help them better understand how to handle situations with that specific child. Being an involved parent allows your child to do better in academics and it shows your child that you care. Engaging in your child’s life makes you a better parent for being involved and knowing what your child is going through or what they need help with. There are parents that don’t know where their child is or what they are doing.” There are parents that make their children grow up on their own with no support. With a stable parent who is engaged in their child, the child is more connected to the parents and has a connection. Parenting classes gives parents strategies to use for their child. Some things will work for some children but not others. Parenting classes allow a parent to find their parenting style and help the parents be more aware of how to handle situations at home. Now, there are parenting classes for parents at their whit’s end with their kids and not know how to handle their child at home to parents who are suspected of abuse. Welcome to Parent College, “is a program that aids stuck parents”. To avoid these situations, such as a child being used as a punching bag because they left their toys on their floor, parents should be required to attend classes before having a child or during pregnancy to give parents a heads up of what they are getting into before becoming an unfit parent and endangering a child. All parents have no clue what they are doing while raising a child. It is a learning process for both parents and child. “These types of classes help prevent 1,500 children killed each year from unfit parents who abuse and neglect their child” (Khazan). If these classes were mandatory before having a child the orphan rate and child death

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