Parent Involvement

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Barnyak and McNelly (2009) conducted a study on teachers and administrators’ beliefs and practices when it comes to parent involvement using the Bandura’s social cognitive therapy of self-sufficiency (1995). Teachers and administrators were surveyed using the adapted version of The Parent Involvement Inventory published by the Illinois State Board of Education (1994). This quantitative study included 92 practicing male and female grades K-12 teachers and 7 administrators in an urban school district in Pennsylvania who were part of a statewide parent involvement initiative during the2004-2005 school year. The instrument used for this study was adapted from The Parent Involvement Inventory published by the Illinois State Board of Education …show more content…

The majority of teachers and administrators agree and/or strongly agree that it is very important to hold parent-teacher conferences once or twice per year offered both during evening and regular school hours to accommodate parents that have varied work schedule , this will also provide parents the opportunity to choose a day and time they can attend. Although they strongly agree that using these methods to communicate with parents about their children progress a majority of the participants stated that they do not always follow through with the implementation of these methods. When it came to direct contact with parents on a regular basis the participant stated they rarely, if any have contact with parents unless there was an issue with behaviors or excessive absenteeism. Although teachers respond to having a strong belief that parent involvement is an essential part of their children’s academic and social emotional development. The mixed results of the study showed a significant gap between teachers and administrator beliefs and practices which have greatly influence parents’ perception of their value by the school thus causing parents to feel unwelcome and less likely to become involve in school activities. The contradiction between belief and practice caused researcher to closely examine teachers’ and administrators’ self-efficacy when interacting with