Survey Response Paper

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Survey Response Please see the excel file summary tab for further insight into data analysis. 1.) Which area(s) indicate the overall highest level of satisfaction or approval? o Parent Survey: Resources and Support Systems followed by Purpose and Direction (3.64) o Staff Survey: Resources and Support Systems followed by Using Results for Continuous Improvement (3.76) o Student Survey: Purpose and Direction followed by Resources and Support Systems (3.41) 2.) Which area(s) show a trend toward increasing stakeholder satisfaction or approval? No previous data to compare or indicate a trend. 3.) Which of the above reported findings are consistent with findings from other stakeholder feedback sources? The Resources and Support Systems area scored the highest levels of approval/satisfaction in both the parent (3.64) and staff surveys (3.76), and was the area with the second highest approval in the student (3.41) survey. The Purpose and Direction score had the highest satisfaction in the student (3.55) survey, and was the second highest in the parent (3.63) survey. It should also be noted that while Purpose and Direction did not score in the top two areas of the staff survey, Purpose and Direction still received a significantly high approval score of 3.70. 4.) …show more content…

o Parent Survey: Teaching and Assessing for Learning (3.41) followed by Using Results for Continuous Improvement (3.43). o Staff Survey: Teaching and Assessing for Learning (3.41) followed by Governance and Leadership (3.55). o Student Survey: Using Results for Continuous Improvement (3.22) followed by Governance and Leadership (3.30). 5.) Which area(s) show a trend toward decreasing stakeholder satisfaction or